Dieting and Mindset

So, I started a new diet this week……started it and finished it on the same day, how clever am I! I gotta say dieting is waaaaay worse than giving up smoking ever was.

I smoked for most of my life and by the end I was smoking 50 plus cigarettes a day. I barely ate anything unless it was junk food, I rarely drank water and I drank way too much coffee. I was stick thin as opposed to now, my skin was gaunt and my lungs were so weak, the perfect picture of health really. So when the time came to give it up I went against all the rules and replaced nicotine with sugar!

It’s been 8 years this year since I gave up and now in my early 50’s I think its time to knock some of this weight off and get some form of healthy happening in my body. I thought going keto would be easy, or paleo, but both proved to be no good for me, I could always make an excuse on those diets why I could eat certain food (sweets). Sugar is in everything even our water. It’s no wonder we have such a hard time giving it up.  I am going to try again but there is absolutely no point unless my head is right. Mindset is EVERYTHING when giving up an addiction so I have learned from experience.  When I gave up smoking it was about my 20th attempt, every other time I wasn’t ready, every other time I had an excuse to KEEP smoking and then after my youngest brother died, I had an excuse to STOP smoking. I never wanted to put my children through that trauma when it could be avoided.  So over the next few weeks I am going to focus on getting my head around not eating sweets and teach my mind that sugar is not comfort it is death to my system that I am trying so hard to keep toxins out of.  

How am I going to get my mind right? Not really sure about that yet, I can’t remember what I did with the ciggies, I think I just kept busy and used sheer brute strength to get through the tough bits. Trouble is I am a lot older and don’t have that strength anymore. Prayer will play a big part but physically I will get some healthy food that doesn’t taste like crunchy cardboard and trick my body into thinking “hmmm this isn’t too bad.” Essential oils will play a big role in keeping me calm of course and working will keep me physically active.  I reckon I’ve got this, but I will let you now!